Public Relations

Due to an increase of requests by the press for interviews, we would like to to repeat our Eleventh Tradition, which says, “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.” The primary purpose of our public relations effort is to tell the story of Narcotics Anonymous and what our program offer so that we may better reach the still-suffering addict. We do not give our last names nor allow our image to appear in the media as a member of Narcotics Anonymous. Please direct all media to Public Relations Email or 1-866-NA-HELP-U (1-866-624-3578)

To Professionals and Members of the Community

Welcome to the New England Regional Public Relations web page. Our Public Relations subcommittee exists to inform the public about Narcotics Anonymous. We can be reached by email at Public Relations Email or by telephone at our toll free number 1-866-624-3578 (1-866-NA-HELP-U). After the main greeting, press 4, and then 2 to page a member of our committee. We will be glad to answer questions, to provide presentations about what NA has to offer, and to participate in health fairs and community events. Please contact us for more information. Periodically, we hold Professional Days. If you would like to be on our mailing list email your name, address, phone number, institution, and job title to Public Relations Email  We look forward to hearing from you!

What is PR?
Public Relations informs the public about recovery from the disease of addiction through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous.

Who does it?
In the New England Region, it is a cooperative effort between the New England Regional PR subcommittee and the thirteen Area PR subcommittees. Together, we provide community awareness of what NA is, as well as how, when, and where we are available. We accomplish this by the New England Regional phone line, responding to requests for speakers and/or information about Narcotics Anonymous from the community, and by updating and publishing our Regional Meeting Directory. The regional website is a related but separate subcommittee.

What every NA member should know.
If someone in your community requests speakers and /or information about NA, please contact your Area Service Committee PR chairperson. Contact New England Regional PR by calling the toll-free Phoneline at 1-866-624-3578 (1-866-NA-HELP-U).

For NA members interested in PR service work.
If you are a member of Narcotics Anonymous and are interested in PR service work, contact your area’s PR chair through your Area Service Committee. See your GSR for information on where your Area meets.
Every NA member is welcome to come to our Regional PR meeting. The regional phone line and Regional Meeting Directory are part of Public Relations. We are always looking for addicts who are willing to serve! You can contact PR thru the email at

NA World Services PR Page

Page Attachments:

PR Flyer-Eng.pdf
PR Flyer-Esp.pdf