South Shore


South Shore Area Service Committee (“SSASC”), established December 7, 1985.
The SSASC is comprised of Group Service Representatives from NA Groups in the Massachusetts counties located South of Boston. Specifically parts of Plymouth and Norfolk Counties. Its Trusted Servants are elected periodically (see bottom of page).

The SSASC meets regularly at 2:30 pm on the first Sunday of every month, except when the first Sunday falls on a holiday weekend in which case the meeting is on the second Sunday. 

First Congregational Church (lower level/door in rear of building)
639 High Street, Hanson, MA 02341

The following Subcommittees of SSASC also meet monthly on the same Sundays as the SSASC, as follows:

South Shore Area Convention Information:
Convention Early Registration (Click link for details)
Volunteers needed – Flyer

Other links:
Link to NERNA calendar

Area Meeting List (Click to open)
Regional Meeting list (Click to open) new NERNA booklet format

Link to NA Literature and Readings
Updated Guide to NA Service 2022
NA Conference Agenda Report 2023

Events – Flyer(s):

Announcements 04-24
Announcements 05-24
Announcements 06-24
Announcements 08-24
Announcements 09-24

Misc Documents:
Literature Order Form 1-08-23
SSA Policy-10-2023
H&I Panel Leader Orientation-03-15_0.pdf

South Shore Trusted Servants as of 9/08/2024:

Chairperson: Steve R
Vice-Chairperson: Chelsee B.
Treasurer: Tom M.
Assistant Treasurer: Eddie H
Secretary: Open
Assistant Secretary: Anthony S.
Web Page Contact: Steve G.
Regional Committee Member: Tony F.
Alternate RCM: Open
H&I Subcommittee Chairperson: JR
PR Subcommittee Chairperson: Open
Activities Chairperson: Bill P.
Policy Subcommittee Chairperson: Lauren R.
Outreach Subcommittee Chairperson: Open
Literature Chairperson: Pat F.

Elections of Trusted Servants:
The annual elections of SSASC Officers are held at the December meeting. All Officers’ terms begin on January 1st and continue through December 31st of each year. Elections of the RCM, Alternate RCM and all Subcommittee Chair positions are held at the June meeting. Their terms begin on July 1st and continue through June 30th of each year.

Mailing Address:
South Shore Area Service Committee
PO Box 2265
Abington, MA 02351

Web Page Contact for additions, comments, inquiries and corrections:

Late updated 09/20/2024 – Steve G

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